Friday, October 17, 2008

Racism in the Campaign

Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream that "a man would not be judged by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character." Unfortunately, this spirited race for the presidency has fallen far short of that dream. Today, many Americans are supporting the Democratic candidate simply because of his race and cannot name or explain a single policy he has. Howard Stern, who I normally disagree with, recently proved this in a skit he did on his radio show. He sent someone out to find Obama supporters, but switched Obama's positions with McCain's and people still supported him. In order to help some of these voters; let's address some of his polices.
Senator Obama supports a federally ran health care system. Before you decide if you support this, ask yourself: "Do I feel it is my responsibility, as a tax payer, to pay for the health care for the alcoholic, chain smoking, junk food eating neighbor down the street?" Medicare, which is federal health care on a small scale, has already been shown to be 30% fraudulent. We also need not look farther than to our neighbors in the north to see a federally ran system. The Canadian Medical Association own president, Dr. Brian Day, has been quoted saying, "This is a country where a dog can get a hip replacement in under a week and in which humans can wait two to three years."
Senator Obama supports raising taxes on people who make $250,000 or more a year, and promises to cut taxes for everyone else. Never mind the fact that his senate voting record doesn't support this. Before you decide if you agree with this increase, ask yourself: "If you work hard this year and earn a 4.0 GPA, and I slack off and earn a 2.0 GPA; is it fair for the school to take a point from you and give it to me?" It's the same concept, but with money. It is unfair to take their money simply because they work hard.
Senator Obama supports raising the capital gains tax to 20%. Capital gains are profits you make off of investing in stocks. The stock market today is falling because people are pulling their money out and not investing. The last thing we need is to give people another reason not to invest. We need to lower the rate and encourage investment to get the stock market back on track, before we see a crash like 1929.
These are obviously not all of Senator Obama's policies, but remember that Obama's main plan is to expand the role of the government in our everyday lives. We can all agree our country is in dire need of a change. Either candidate is going to provide the country with change, although it may not be the best kind. It is my prayer that before we enter that voting booth, we take an honest look at each candidate's policies, their record, and their overall character to make our decision and not just the color of their skin. Dr. King gave his life so we wouldn't exclude someone from the presidency becomes of their skin color, and I believe he would be equally saddened to see we gave it to someone because of it.

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Anonymous said...
